What do I need to know for Kindergarten?

The conversations have begun. Yes, you know the ones. “Where is your child going to school?” “Have you enrolled your child into preschool?” “Does anyone know of a good preschool for kids in our area?” Then once a parent begins talking, they definitely have an opinion of which is the best. Honestly, I feel the pressure. I really do, I want what is best for my son and now sons. I want them to be ready for school (Kindergarten) and the rest of school and college (if that is the right path for them). I told myself, I would not worry about this. But honestly, I am. If I don’t enroll them in the next greatest best school, am I letting them down? If I don’t get my pre-enrollment form in, shell out a load of cash, and an arm and a leg, am I hurting their future? Will they not get a good education, will they not be ready for life?!?

Stop! This is ridiculous! I honestly don’t see my sons on a conveyer belt to an Ivy League school. I do see them going to school and doing well. I then see them choosing a career path they desire and following it (hopefully that will entail a good college). I honestly do not believe all of that is determined by what school/preschool they are in now. Please parents, take the pressure off. Yes, you will have to put forth some effort to get them ready for school, but you do not have to have your child attend the best and greatest preschool out there. I had to tell myself this and later remind myself of this when I hear parents talking. It got me to thinking however, what does a child need to know before they go to school?

What do I need to know before Kindergarten?

(This is not for every Kindergarten out there, but it is a list I received from a group of Kindergarten teachers I worked with. When I first saw it I was a little amazed at all the things they were wanting them to know when they first began.  I have seen students come to school only knowing a few letters and hardly any of these other things.  Kindergarten teachers you are so so so amazing! If your child was able to do these things though, they would definitely be in a great place to start school and not worry about them being behind).

Before Kindergarten:

  • identify upper and lower case letters A-Z
  • can say the alphabet without skipping letters
  • counts 1-20
  • gets dressed: buttons, zippers, and shoe laces
  • catches a ball, throws a ball, and jumps
  • uses scissors
  • names shapes
  • understands patterns AB, ABB, ABC
  • writes first name
  • understands rhyming and can come up with rhyming words
  • identify numbers (1-10)
  • holds a pencil correctly


  • their birthday
  • phone number
  • address
  • to dial 911 in emergency
  • months of the year
  • days of the week

My plan: I am going to teach our children these skills through play based learning. We are going to have fun and do some learning too. My goal is to share with you what we do and give you some insight into what you can do with your child. Preschools are great for children because children do learn, and they have a chance to interact with other children in a social setting (very important). I will talk more about that later. Yet, I don’t believe they have to be the only way for children to learn. You parent, really are your child’s greatest teacher. I want to empower you. You can really have fun with your child, and do some great things! Here is to learning!

What skills do you believe are important for Kindergarten? Please comment below.

** Our oldest child does attend a daycare/school two days a week because I was substitute teaching. It has been good for him to learn how to interact with peers, follow teacher directions, raise his hand, line up, and a myriad of other skills.  This post was created to empower parents, and to let them take a step back and breathe. I also wanted to give everyone a goal to shoot for.  When I make lesson plans I like to plan with the end goal in mind.

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