A Mom is Born

Top of a baby's foot and their toes

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

On October 1, 2014 I was born, the mother, when I held our beautiful son in my arms. I have spent my whole life preparing to be a mother. I have played with a baby doll, babysat, and in some form been a mom to my amazing students at school. Yet, with all this preparation, no one can ever prepare you for what you experience.

There are the beautiful ups where you see their face and smell that wonderful baby smell and all is right with the world as they are snuggled close. Then in the next minute they can be screaming in the middle of the night and nothing you are doing is working. There are all the different cries you have to learn, and then remember what each one means through days or weeks of sleepless nights. It is all beautiful and extremely difficult. My heart is full at times and other times I am so, so empty.

Our little guy did not come with an instruction manual, and my husband and I have had to learn together how to be parents and how best to care for him. So far, that learning has encompassed everything from dealing with acid reflux to an ER visit in the middle of the night to learning how to deal with food allergies.  

This is the hardest job ever! And yet, I would not give it up for a moment. The love I have for our son (and now sons) is unfathomable. Yes, I was born on October 1, 2014. I am not a perfect mom, but I hope to share the struggles and joys of motherhood on this blog. I hope we can laugh together at the funny curve balls that parenthood brings, and I hope we can be honest about the things that are difficult. I am something new and I am learning more and more each day.

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